Case Studies
South East Water successfully scales its digital utility with Lentic platform
Find out more about South East Water’s staged deployment of 1 million digital devices managed through Lentic.
See how the solution is driving water savings, improved customer experience and sustainable practices.
Toowoomba Region Council scales to digital water utility with Lentic
Staged deployment of 68,000 smart meters is successfully managed and monitored through Lentic IoT platform.
The council and customers are experiencing reduced water loss and a reduction in water bills
Case study
Find out about South East Water’s staged deployment of one million digital devices managed through Lentic®.
See how Lentic® is driving water savings, improved customer experience and sustainable practices.
Case study
Staged deployment of 68,000 smart meters is successfully managed and monitored through the Lentic® IoT platform.
The council and customers are experiencing reduced water loss and a reduction in water bills. The rate of leak detections already exceeded the council’s expectations.